Work Hard, Play Hard

Carmen Losmann

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Germany, Documentary, 2011, 90'′

Planning a workplace is an art, as this documentary shows. In a near future, the non-territorial office ideal fulfils and companies motivate their employees by making them feel right at home and special. The architechture, cold and majestic, but liberal, allows free circulation and a more efficient production. In the common areas informal conversations happen and give birth to the best inventions. Job interviews are mathematical and while the people interviewed wait for their final evaluation, half protected by the hugeness of the buildings, we learn about the interviewer’s selection process. We abandon this space with a captivating yet disturbing shot, as the binary language of the decoration reminds us that we are elements of a whole, individuals that can be numbered and scored just like answers to specific questions. (Ágata Pinho)