El Estudiante

Santiago Mitre

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Argentina, Fiction, 2011, 110'′

For Roque, arriving from the countryside, the University in Buenos Aires was an opportunity to meet girls, but it is with politics that he falls in love. Between classes and parties where popularity, curiosity and insecurities are measured, everyone is looking for themselves, but Roque is discovered by the intriguing Paula and her passionate speech. In more or less informal conversations, students talk about capitalism, marxism, quote Rousseau or Hobbes, discuss the necessity of war and the hypothesis of a new social order. When differences seem to divide the Student Union, chaos is installed and Roque steps in as a leader, fighting for a righteous education. With a raw style, hand-held camera and closed shots that bring us close to the characters’ struggles (interior and exterior), we stumble on them as they stumble on each other. (Ágata Pinho)