The International Sign for Choking

Zach Weintraub

IndieLisboa 2012 •

USA, Argentina, Fiction, 2012, 80'′

Josh returns to Buenos Aires for an unpaid internship, he is searching for something maybe nothing non the less trying to reconnect with his previous visit to the city and it’s people, with a girl lost from his life. Older and wiser he feels estranged without really having a realised connection of his place, he seems lost. Suddenly, behind the flowery wallpaper in his bedroom wall he receives a surreal knock. At the other side is Anna signaling her presence. He listens for a while but still Josh appears not to be present of his life. Hoocked on skype and imaginary e-mails he is not getting in touch. Absence appears to be the main theme of the film, its atmospeare nichelic and emotionally confused, caught between past the present. (Nina Veligradi)