Le Skylab

Julie Delpy

IndieLisboa 2012 • ,

France, Fiction, 2011, 113'′

First heartbeat, first slow dance, first kisses, first scares and one of the most important moments in a girl’s life, the moment you became a woman. Albertine -the alter ego of the director herself – is having a flashback during a train ride and goes back to being 11. On the train with her parents, she visits her grandmother in her country house for vacation celebrating her 67th birthday. The year is 1979, the year Apocalypse Now and The Tin Drum were out on cinemas. A more mature Delpy returns to a human and more common territory than her previous film The Countess. Playful and nostalgic, Skylab is a big family canvas given by the eyes of an exceptionally smart girl. (Nina Veligradi)