Fat Cat

Patricia Gélise, Nicolas Deschuyteneer

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Belgium, Fiction, 2012, 72'′

A modern parody of a film noir. The film’s structure follows the classic example of voice over narration on a first-person basis by the anti-hero Enzo as a plot structuring mechanism. Enzo, is a recently released from jail thief, with specialty in opening safes with his bare hands in 10 minutes. Enzo, constitutes the classic clumsy protagonist, a Peter Sellers look alike, emotionally allienated for a long time that he can’t remember the last time he smiled at someone. His Clumsiness is sexually aroused by a fellow crook as the femme fatale heroine. The film’s setting is partly filmed in a decadant nightclub with failed cabaret artistas and gamblig dens and partly outdoors to metro stations and factories. A Euro-noir tale of corruption, seduction and deception and a tribute to film noir/soleil. (Nina Veligradi)