Mang zhong

Zhang Lu

IndieLisboa 2006 •

China, South Korea, Fiction, 2005, 109′

Cui Shunji is a Chinese woman of Korean ancestry. A single mother bringing up a young son, she lives away from her hometown, and makes a living by selling Kimchi, a Korean style pickle. An unlicensed vendor, she is constantly on the run, pursued by the local commercial prosecutor. Kim is also an ethnic Korean. He and Cui fall in love, but Kim is a married man; their love can only be an underground affair. Police officer Sergeant Wang is Cui’s regular customer. Taking pity on her, he helps her get a business permit. Life seems promising for Cui. When their love affair is disclosed, Kim, under pressure to save his marriage, claims that Cui is a prostitute. She is arrested and subsequently raped in a police station by the drunken and soon-to-be married Sergeant Wang. Released from custody, Cui, in the face of shame and humiliation, continues her pickle business. Sergeant Wang and his fiancé also continue to buy from her. The fiancé even orders pickles from her for their wedding. Her son’s death sends her into total despair. She puts poison in the pickles destined for Sergeant Wang’s wedding.