Le conseguenze dell´amore

Paolo Sorrentino

IndieLisboa 2005 •

Italy, Fiction, 2004, 100′

Everyone harbours a dark secret. But it’s obvious that Titta Di Girolamo has more than one. Why else would a fifty-year-old man from southern Italy choose to li-ve for eight years in an anonymous hotel room in an anonymous town in Switzerland? Eight years of not working, eight years of silence and cigarettes, sitting in the lobby or the hotel bar, elegantly dressed but never allowing himself any luxuries. A nullifying routine, he’s constantly waiting for something daring to happen, but what will happen? Titta observes. He apparently has his life completely under control. He impassively peers at the life that goes by in front of him, revealing neither sentiment nor emotion. Or so it appears‚Ķ The Mafia is orderly. Switzerland is orderly. A hotel is orderly. Titta Di Girolamo lives inside the cage of these three coordinates. He can be nothing but an orderly man. In situations like these the king of disorder turns up: love. But for someone crushed by order, even less would be enough. Even just the possibility of love could completely explode the cage.