La Mecha

Raúl Perrone

IndieLisboa 2005 •

Argentina, Fiction, 2003, 75′

Don Galván is an 85 year old retired man. He lives in the suburbs in a humble house with his wife. One cold morning, he wakes up and discovers that his old kerosene heater has no wick. He tries to repair it but lacks the supply. Set for his goal he leaves to find the wick and starts a journey that will lead him to different people and situations. The world is no longer what Don Galván knew and that sole day will be enough to prove it. A neighbour leads him downtown Morón. A strange blend of Persian market and Hong Kong where Galván hopes to get his wick, that apparently is out of fabrication. He travels by bus, by taxi, in a delivery van. The wick is hard to find. Don Galván will cross the woods leading back home in the middle of a fierce storm.