La Libertad

Lisandro Alonso

IndieLisboa 2005 •

Argentina, Fiction, 2001, 73′

A day in the life of Misael, a young woodcutter in the Pampa. The camera follows him in his daily labor and his solitary hours of rest. Misael lives isolated from the rest of the world, living with the bare necessities in a tent, which he moves, little by little, as his work advances. He only visits the village to sell the wood he has cut and to make a phone call to a friend who gives him news of his mother. Night is falling, and the weather is getting worse. Yet, bleak though his life may seem, one cannot ignore the fact that Misael is a man freed from the constraints of the world, master of his own fate and seemingly content to live a life that is stripped to its very bare essentials: the dignity of work and the food of the land.