(EN) IndieLisboa participates at SANFIC 2010

In the 6th edition of the Santiago do Chile Film Festival (SANFIC) that will be held from August 17th to 23rd 2010, IndieLisboa will be represented by Nuno Sena, one of its directors, who will be the jury of the festival’s national competition.

The Chilean festival has had Portuguese films in its last editions. In 2010, the Portuguese film To Die Like a Man (picture) directed by João Pedro Rodrigues will be presented at SANFIC.

Though strongly committed to the development of the Chilean film industry, one of SANFIC’s main purposes is to exhibit recent quality films, directed by young talents or known directors, regardless of their nationality. SANFIC has two feature competition sections (national and international), a national short films competition ‚ new this year ‚ a section featuring recent international features and a Work in Progress section for Chilean films.

Almost contemporary in terms of their creation, IndieLisboa and SANFIC present some contact points, namely in terms of selection and programming strategies.