Lisbon Talks Media Desk is constituted by a series of debates, seminars and masterclasses with prestigious portuguese and foreign guests from multiple areas in the cinema industry. Today, at 5.30 p.m., the first daily conversation takes place in São Jorge Cinema. The theme will be Diffusion in Television – independent TV production and possible support. Manuel Claro, executive coordinator of MEDIA Desk, Portugal, will be moderator for the discussion. Guests are: Matteo Solaro responsible for the support given to TV diffusion of EACEA, in Belgium, and Susana Gato, General Secretary of APIT ‚ Independent Television Producers Association, Portugal.
Indie By Night will celebrate the Portuguese Directors’ Night at Cabaret Maxime. Doors will open at 11.30 p.m.
Picture: Guerra Civil by Pedro Caldas (International and National Competition)