IndieLisboa awards “Pinta” by Jorge Alencar

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Aiming to promote the Brazilian cinema in Portugal, IndieLisboa established a partnership with the Brazilian festival Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema from Salvador da Bahia. This partnership is based on the attribution of an award to a Brazilian film which will be part of IndieLisboa’s programme on 2014.

“Pinta” by Jorge Alencar was the only film from Salvador da Bahia on competition and was the film chosen by Nuno Sena, one of IndieLisboa’s director. “Pinta” portrays the intersections between several forms of art, from performance to cinema. Filmed in 2012 at Salvador da Bahia, it contains scenes from the shows and short films produced by Dimenti, a cultural production company and one of the most important centres of the artistic creation in the city.

Wearing a plastic plant on her head a woman prepares to kill herself, a ballad singer performs for a group of aquatic dancers on an empty pool, a boy with a mermaid tale speaks about the concept of enigma elaborated specially for this film by the Italian anthropologist Massimo Canevacci… This film is composed by autonomous episodes and their unique language and aesthetic are a constant appeal for the idea of eroticism and discovery of sexuality.

PINTA trailer from Matheus Rocha on Vimeo.